Blogging Is Dead, Right? I’ve Always Had Good Timing.
In the fifteen minutes it's taken me to set up this page, my six-year-old has asked me approximately 32 questions and my pandemic puppy has pooped in the basement.
Maybe this is a terrible idea. I have a job; I’m in school; I have two school-aged kids and an idiot dog. I don’t have time for this.
But I'm going to do it anyway: Because the world is on fire. Because I'm in the process of abandoning every belief I've ever held. Because I suspect I have ADHD and I need a new creative project to discard in a couple of weeks. Because when my daughter sleeps, her lips part just so and I want to tell someone about it. Because this week, my favorite blogger featured one of my reader comments on her page and everyone showed up to tell me I should be writing.
Also, being afraid to say what I think is getting boring. And who even reads blogs anymore? The stakes are pretty low.
I have a lot of things I want to talk with you about: sex, purity culture, politics, religion, mental health, parenthood, why Americans are the way we are. I can’t make any promises about how often I’ll show up here — I know better, at this stage of my life — but when I do, I’ll do my best to amuse you. Thanks for being here.